Having a Himalayan rock salt lamp in your home or workplace provides a number of wonderful benefits. You will have heard about the negative ions produced by the Himalayan pink salt lamps and the positive effects on the air quality in your home.

Breath Of Fresh Air
One of the main benefits of Natural Himalayan Salt Lamp is they offer a breath of fresh air, almost as if you had opened a window and let in the natural light of the sun. Have you ever experienced the wonderful feeling of sitting under a waterfall? This can be attributed to the negative ions in the air.
Aids In Air Purification.
Today, most people are aware that plants and trees have a purifying effect on the air in our environment. In fact, plants “breathe” carbon dioxide, which for humans is a waste product we exhale after breathing in oxygen. So together, plants and people form a near-perfect air balancing system. But what if you were to add this extra bit of purifying power? As it turns out, Himalayan salt emitted via light activation is as powerful for air purification as burning natural beeswax candles.
Neutralizes Electromagnetic Radiation(EMR)
In this present world that we exist in, we are continuously in touch with technology: Smartphones, tablets, computers, electric bed heaters, microwave ovens, remote controllers, wireless devices, etc.—all send electromagnetic radiation into our bodies and cause silent inflammation that leads to various diseases and cancer. With the EMR exposure, the body builds up positive electrons that form free radicals. Putting a Himalayan salt lamp in the room is like conduct the outdoor nature, indoor.
Reduces Stress
The hormone cortisol has been said to be one of the most deadly health threats today. In fact, Psychology Today calls it the silent killer. It has the capability to lower immune system response, encourage faster aging, degrade cell composition, increase pressure, interrupt sleep, increase the risk of heart disease and stroke and many other undesirable side effects.
Purify The Air Through Hygroscopy
Himalayan salt crystals can help purify the air through the power of hygroscopy. This means they attract water molecules and water vapor from the environment and then the crystal salt absorbs those molecules into the salt crystals in the lamp. As the lamp warms up, the absorbing water evaporates back into the air, and the trapped particles remain locked in the salt.
The rock salt lamps can help separate microscopic airborne air dot, placing a Himalayan crystal salt lamp in the rooms where you spend the most time can significantly reduce allergy symptoms.
More energy
Another one of the benefits of rock salt lamps is how people feel more energized around them. People often feel more invigorated by seeing them.Because of this, if you constantly feel tired and aren't sure why, you should try placing a Himalayan rock salt lamp in the rooms you spend the most time, such as a bedroom, living room, or dining room. Once you have stood the rock salt lamp in the room, you should begin to notice a distinction in your energy levels within a week or two.
People who have used Himalayan rock salt lamps is greatly benefited from its health-related characteristics, that have reported improvements in their physical and mental wellbeing in just about one week of using Himalayan rock salt lamps.